Fully Fit To Lead®

Fully Fit To Lead®

Assess your own leadership, abilities, strengths and behaviors.

Mental Fitness:
Do you find yourself wrestling with competing priorities and time demands, wishing for more creative contributions from others? Do you regularly tap into your “multiple intelligences” to solve business challenges? Are your messages to others clearly understood?

Physical Fitness:
The impression you make as a leader communicates volumes about you: your stamina, confidence, mood, and ability to handle stress. Are you aware of how physically fit you appear—your body
language, voice tonality, energy level, and confidence?

Emotional Fitness:
What role does empathy play in your leadership style? Do you value, build and maintain trusting relationships? In what way do you leverage their emotions as a source of energy, motivation, intelligence, and creativity? What are your indicators that you have connected to others and made them feel valued?

Spiritual Fitness or the “S” word in business:
How do you communicate a shared sense of purpose and commitment to your organization’s goals? Do others see you as principled and inspiring? Do your employees feel they are treated with integrity, dignity and respect?